Match Frame Media Blog

New and completed projects, gear and other stuff I'm interested in. All the gear I review is my own. No paid reviews here.

Browsing Archive: May, 2014


Posted by Corne Scheepers on Sunday, May 18, 2014,

It's here, finally! Delivered by a man in a van on Thursday afternoon. My camera upgrade is nearly complete. More to follow as soon as I work my way through the avalanche of recordings and editing projects for May. Watch this space. 
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Promos, GoPros and flying machines - creating the School of Music's interactive media

Posted by Corne Scheepers on Saturday, May 10, 2014,

April 2014 has come and gone and with it no less than 12 promo projects in a little over 4 weeks. Insane! The upside of course is that with this much content to produce you’re presented with an opportunity to really think outside the box to keep things innovative and unique. One of my biggest projects for April was a combined video/interactive project on DVD for the NWU’s School of Music and Conservatory.

Above: main menu page of the interactive development. The project is rolled out on ...

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Camera upgrade: Phase 1A - Filters

Posted by Corne Scheepers on Thursday, May 8, 2014,

Above: Lee 100mm ND9 filter fits my Genus matte box perfectly. Pictured here sans the 67mm adapter lens ring still on order.

I'm busy with a sizable upgrade on my NEX-FS100 camera as well as my post-production software. Sadly it is taking frustratingly long to get all the stuff I ordered. I don't know...maybe it's because I live where I live, or maybe it's because I live in a country that has most its public holidays in April. Or maybe I'm just getting old and impatient.

Anyhow, because th...

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The collection grows again... more GoPro jets

Posted by Corne Scheepers on Monday, May 5, 2014,

My collection grows yet again. I picked up this link while waiting for a render. Because that's what post-production people do between renders: burn some internet. Or go outside to smoke. Or eat and make phone calls.

I love GoPro cockpit footage. Consume and enjoy as always: mute the shitty music, ignore the cheesy titles and enjoy visuals that most people outside the military will never see. This one features F-15 jets from the USAF's 67th Fighter Squadron.  

Watch it on vimeo Original story ...

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